Does hiring Certified Arborists make a difference in your tree care? Absolutely.
Arborists specialize in the care of individual trees. They are knowledgeable about the needs of trees, and are trained and equipped to provide proper care. Proper tree care is an investment that can lead to substantial returns.
Well cared-for trees are attractive and can add considerable value to your property. Poorly maintained trees can be a significant liability. Pruning or removing trees, especially large trees, can be dangerous work. Tree work should be done only by those trained and equipped to work safely in trees.
Learn more about why you should hire an arborist.

What is a Certified Arborist?
An arborist is trained in the art and science of planting, caring for, and maintaining individual trees. Certified Arborists are individuals who have achieved a high level of knowledge in the art and science of tree care through experience. They become certified by passing a very comprehensive test developed by the nation’s leading experts on tree care.
Arborists are tree experts.
Services an Arborist can provide
- Pruning. An arborist can determine the type of pruning necessary to maintain or improve the health, appearance, and safety of trees.
- Tree Removal. Although tree removal is a last resort, there are circumstances when it is necessary. An arborist can help decide whether a tree should be removed.
- Emergency Tree Care. An arborist can assist in performing emergency tree care in a safe manner, while reducing further risk of damage to property.
- Planting. Trained arborists like those at Steamboat Lightscapes plant trees to the highest standards, and can recommend the right trees that are most appropriate for particular locations.
- Plant Health Care. Preventive maintenance helps keep trees in good health while reducing any insect, disease, or site problems.
- Many other services. Certified Arborists offer consulting services, tree risk assessment, cabling and bracing trees, and much more.
Aspen Tree service is proud to have 12 Certified Arborists and 2 Master Arborists on staff. Our high standards for training and education are our top priority, along with taking care of our customers and employees. Call today for a professional evaluation of your tree care needs.
Steamboat Lightscapes Certified Arborists
Jennifer Grimes RM-7059A
David Deyarmond RM-2237A
Chris Depriest MW-5918A
Burke Eberly RM-7834A
Sean Grimes RM-7179A
Tony Coia RM-7518A
William Howell RM-7670A
Chris Chaput RM-2548A
Jacob Degrave WI-1302A
Jon Elliott RM-0483A
Adam Fitch NY-6383A
Bill Dimsdale RM-0162A
Board Certified Master Arborists
Jason Jones RM-0734B
Chris Forman RM-2352BM