All of us here at Steamboat Lightscapes are proud to be a part of this community and want you to know what we’re doing during this time.
With the challenges of Covid-19, we will be asking our employees and our customers to help keep things safe and smooth through this tumultuous time. We want to inform you of these steps we’ve implemented:
We are giving our office staff the capabilities to work from home. Please leave a message if your call is not answered immediately. Our field staff work individually or in very small groups in an outdoor environment, minimizing exposure risks.
We will be providing our employees with time off when they or their family members are not feeling well and need it for any reason.
We will be keeping all of our facilities and equipment extra clean and disinfected to minimize any spread of pathogens while at work.
We will be providing safety meetings, job briefings, and other communications via video conference as much as possible.
We will be asking sales and production employees to communicate with customers on the phone or video chat as much as possible. If a crew comes to your house to work they will not be attempting to make contact with you if you are at home. We will complete the work as promised and be happy to return if anything is not done to your complete satisfaction.
What we will ask of you to help us:
Please consider doing all you can to let us know what you want and expect from our team over the phone and stay on course with your routine care. Many of the services we provide are time sensitive and we will need to stay on schedule in order to be effective.
If you are considering cancelling a project please let us know ahead of time. We need all the advance notice you can give us. We strive to keep our team working and hope you will continue to let us care for your landscape assets as usual.
Consider getting some tree and landscape projects done that you may have been putting off! The impacts of healthy landscapes on physical and mental health are proven and we feel we can do a great job of this while not exposing you or your family to any risks.
As always, please let us know how we are doing. With your input, we can continue to improve!